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All Re-Elected in Second Annual APANJ Online Election!


I am pleased to announce that our second annual online APANJ election has concluded and all three incumbent Trustees were re-elected. Congratulations to Trustees Gary Donatello (Bergen), Adam Salzer (Hudson), and Rory Eaton (Somerset) on their re-election to a two-year term.

The online election was again conducted by an independent company, Intelliscan. Of the 860 online ballots distributed to the membership, 370 were returned resulting in a 43% voter turnout rate. Excellent.

I'd like to thank everyone who participated in the election, especially the members of our Election Committee, Secretary Meghan O'Neill (Ocean), and Treasurer Megan Kilzy (Bergen), and all of our Delegates.

Please stay tuned-in to all of the good things this association continues to do for our members. Our ongoing effort to restore the Prosecutor's Part pension is but one of the many projects we are working on right now. Check out our website for more information about the APANJ and continue to follow us on social media.

Thank you for your support of the APANJ!

David V. Calviello
President, APANJ