APANJ To Host First-Ever Inter-Office "Double Jeopardy" Competition!

Double Jeopardy Flier 2020.jpg

The APANJ is excited to announce it will host the first-ever inter-office Delegate competition - "Double Jeopardy!" at the upcoming CPANJ College later this month.

Tune in starting Sunday night Nov. 22, and after classes each day to watch your office's APANJ Delegate compete against other delegates around the state to be crowned this year's "Double Jeopardy Champion" and deliver to their office's APs a free breakfast or lunch, compliments of the APANJ, along with the coveted championship trophy cup!

The event is free and will be held virtually and all County Prosecutors, APs and DAGs are welcomed and encouraged to log-in and support their office. All contestants will receive APANJ swag and the winners of each day's competition will also take home special prizes.

Stay tuned for more details on how you can view this event.