Double Jeopardy Champion is...

Samantha Polizzi of Morris County!

The Double Jeopardy Finals ended in a nail-biting round of final jeopardy over at the Music Box at Borgata last week!

Kevin Long (Passaic County)
hit some early trouble, making way for Seth Victor (Bergen County) to rack up a few points. Yet neither one was a match for Samantha Polizzi (Morris County) who confidently led the pack in points for much of the contest. Sam was crowned the 3rd annual Double Jeopardy Champion after crushing the competition in final jeopardy. Go Sam!

Congrats Sam and Morris County for bringing home the Double Jeopardy Championship Trophy. The APANJ hopes the Morris County APs enjoy their breakfast/lunch... keep your trivia skills sharp if you want to defend your title next year!

We thank all Double Jeopardy contestants for their participation in this fun-filled, spirited intercounty competition and we hope each participant proudly wears their new APANJ swag.