Pension Update, New Delegates, and Mid-Year Summit!


We know you are anxiously awaiting news of our APANJ-backed pension bill and what the Governor’s Office intends to do. So are we. The good news is that, to date, the Governor has not taken any adverse action (veto) nor conveyed any objection to the bill. Our stakeholders and supporters remain optimistic, especially on the heels of the tremendous support we received in the Legislature. Of course, we will continue to advocate with the Governor’s Office and work toward gaining the Governor's support. Stay tuned for more updates.

What can you do to assist us? If you have a relationship with Governor Murphy and/or his staff and you want to help us, please contact me today.

IN OTHER NEWS, I am pleased to announce the following appointments:
For the position of Delegate for Monmouth County, Anthony Puglisi, is appointed pursuant to the bylaws to succeed Amanda Dalton Clark. For the position of Delegate for Mercer County, Alycia Beyrouty, is appointed pursuant to the bylaws to succeed Christian Fisher. Welcome aboard Anthony and Allie!

THIS FRIDAY in Point Pleasant the APANJ will host its Third Annual Mid-Year Summit among the officers and trustees. This year we have invited all delegates to join us as we prepare our upcoming agenda and ways we can continue to support our members. The list of Delegates can be found on our website.

Enjoy the rest of summer and thank you for supporting the APANJ!

Please stay safe and healthy.

David V. Calviello
President, APANJ