Assistant Prosecutor Wellness & Resilience

Your health and safety is our top priority during the pendency of the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic. While the virus is sadly affecting the physical health of many, we cannot forget our mental health as well. Let’s face it, we love our jobs, but working from home just isn’t the same. We miss our offices, the courtroom, and especially our co-workers. Our routines are off. The isolation, social distancing, fear, and constant negative news all add up. It’s time to take inventory of our mental health. We can help.

How are you doing?  Really, how are YOU doing? Ask yourself, “Am I ok?”
Feel free to reach out to us today.
Our friends at the NJSBA and Seton Hall Law (Professor Katherine Moore) have compiled a list below of national & statewide resources especially for lawyers and their loved ones.

Anyone in need of assistance can call the New Jersey Mental Health Cares Hotline at 866-202-HELP (866-202-4357) (TTY: 1-877-294-4356); or the New Jersey Hopeline for peer support and suicide prevention hotline at 855-654-6735.
Also, any lawyer can make a confidential call to the New Jersey Lawyer's Assistance Program at 800-246-5527 or visit:

  • New Jersey Poison Information and Education System at Rutgers is serving as the NJDOH COVID-19 Call Center—call the hotline at 1-800-222-1222 for assistance in multiple languages and 24-hours a day.

  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides information and assistance at:

  • New Jersey Department of Health provides information about “your health” needs at:

  • National Suicide Hotline: 800-273-8255

  • IME Addictions Access Center: 844-276-2777

  • Alcoholics Anonymous:, which is an up-to-date site with information about online meetings or visit

  • New Jersey Domestic Violence Hotline: 1 (800) 572-SAFE (7233) is available 24 hours a day and provides confidential access to information and services. The hotline is bilingual and accessible to the deaf and hearing impaired.

  • NJ Connect for Recovery: 855-652-3737

  • ReachNJ: 844-732-2465

  • The Peer Recovery Warmline: 877-292-5588

  • Council on Compulsive Gambling of NJ: 800-GAMBLER (426-2537)

  • Veterans Counseling Hotline: 866-VETS-NJ4 (838-7654)

Don’t let another day go by. You are not alone in this. One phone call could bring the help you need to stay healthy and safe.
Our mission is to support members especially during this crisis. We invite your involvement and input. Reach out to us at APAofNJ@gmail.com or on FB @APAofNJ.
Stay engaged, stay healthy and please stay safe.
David V. Calviello
President, APANJ