First APANJ Project NOVA Class Ends on a High Note!

Project NOVA (Class #1) successfully concluded Friday as "an unqualified success," according to reviews by senior APs who attended the inaugural program. Designed for APs eligible to retire within five years, the comprehensive course covered various areas related to transitioning onward after being a prosecutor. Class #1 ended on a high note with the "Avengers Panel" (see photos) comprising four former career prosecutors who went on to different pursuits post-retirement and shared what they learned along the way. The course was also approved for up to 20 CLE credits.

Thank you!

I want to thank the officers of APANJ for sponsoring and designing this first-of-it's kind retirement training program for senior APs. Special thanks to VP Renee White (Ocean County) who designed the entire program and to her office for hosting it. And shout outs to our Secretary, Meghan O'Neill (Ocean County), who led a discussion on resume-writing and use of social media to pursue the next job, and to Trustee Gary Donatello (Bergen County) for helping promote the program through our email and website.

Continue to our website to see more photos of the class.

Interested in getting involved in our next Project NOVA class? Email us!

Thank you for supporting the APANJ!

David V. Calviello
President, APANJ