Golf Outing Registration Starts Today!
The 1st Annual APANJ Golf Outing will be held Monday, June 21, 2021 at Battleground Country Club, Manalapan, NJ. Join fellow APs this summer for lunch, golf, and outdoor dinner at a premier golf club. Don't golf? Join us as the sun sets for an outdoor cocktail hour and dinner with a two-hour open bar! Space is limited so this registration is first come, first served. All APs, DCJ-DAGs, and County Prosecutors are welcomed!
Registration and lunch start at 11:30 AM. Shotgun start at 1:00 PM. Cocktail hour and dinner start at at 5:30 PM. Only $200 per golfer for the whole day or $65 per person to attend the Cocktail Hour/Dinner only. Register here today!
Note: Make payments by check payable to: "APANJ Civic Org." and mail to:
APANJ Civic Organization
Attn: Megan Kilzy, APANJ Treasurer
c/o Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office,
Two Bergen County Plaza, 4th Floor
Hackensack, New Jersey 07601
Click here to see the flyer!
We'll see you on the links!
David V. Calviello
President, APANJ