Project NOVA Class #3 - Registration Opens Today
Back for its 3rd year, Project NOVA is a voluntary retirement transition program for APs and DCJ/DAGs sponsored by the APANJ for its members who are within 5 years of their projected retirement eligibility/separation date. This FREE program will assist our members considering retirement. The five-day, in-person course will help ease the multiple stressors career prosecutors face as they transition into retirement or their next career. The course is designed to provide participants with practical resources, professional advice, and tips on how they can use their legal skills and experiences as prosecutors to springboard them to their next career or professional opportunity.
What areas will the course cover? This course covers: Financial Planning, Pension Planning, Health Coverage, Resiliency & Wellness, Life Insurance, Job Assistance/Resume Writing, Wills, and other Retirement-Related Planning.
When? Mon., Dec. 4th through Fri., Dec. 8, 2023 (9:00 am - 4:00 pm)
Where? Ocean County Prosecutor's Office, Toms River
Cost? Free! Sponsored by the APANJ!
Is space limited? Yes! Registration opens today. Don't delay because the class is limited to 25 participants. First come, first served. Preference will be given to those closest to retirement eligibility.
How do I register? Email us by clicking here and let us know of your interest no later than November 17, 2023 to reserve your spot (first come, first served).